Our Trip
At first Grammy, me, Grampy, Grammy Connie, and Grampy Skip went up to Maine. Then the next night daddy came. We went out birding in the morning with Grammy We went to to a marsh and ocean and we saw over there some Ruddy Turnstones, Common Eider, Oystercatcher, Common Terns and Black-bellied Plovers. A family came from Georgia and they were also looking at birds. In another pool of water we got a Black-crowned Night Heron and I took pictures of a Yellow Warbler. Then we went to the BIG marsh and we saw heron and half egret. Half snowy egret and half tricolored heron. At first we took photos of Glossy Ibises and a White-faced Ibis. Then we went back to our condo and we went fishing. After fishing we went to eat and had Chinese food
Then in the morning my dad woke me up to go see some Black Terns. It was a long drive and I sleeped in the car. When we got there it tool a long time for me to find it through the binoculars. Then we got 2 new flycatchers for my year. They were very far away in the marsh and it wasn't the best looks to us. OPn the way home we stopped at the big marsh again and we wanted to find Nelson's Sparrow. We thought we had it but they were Saltmarsh Sparrows. But we got a Least Tern when we were there. that was the good news! It was so awesome taking pictures and its beautiful to look at them when I take their pictures. My grammies camera is easier to hold then my daddys.
Then we stopped in New Hampshire to try and find a Clay-colored Sparrow at an airport. We did not find it We saw 2 ravens croaking in the tree's and then they flew away. I was playing on a big hill of grasses. We also heard an Eastern meadowlark singing. After that we went to find a Mississippi Kite but when we got there we didn't see it. We talked to the people on the road to help us look for it and they said that they go in their yard a lot. We had to leave because I had a baseball game back home. But then when we looked up in the sky we saw 2 birds with a vulture. we looked at them and it was 2 kites flying with the vulture! At my game I had big hits!
Clickable Checklists
Biddeford Pool--Hattie's Restaurant, York County, Maine, US
Biddeford Pool--Great Pond, York County, Maine, US
Scarborough Marsh, Cumberland County, Maine, US
Messalonskee Lake--boat ramp, Kennebec County, Maine, US
Scarborough Marsh--behind Clambake Restaurant, Cumberland County, Maine, US
Scarborough Marsh--Nature Center, Cumberland County, Maine, US
Pease International Tradeport--Short Street, Newington, Rockingham County, New Hampshire, US
Newmarket Town Landing, Rockingham County, New Hampshire, US
New Year Birds
New Lifers
weather conditions
White-faced Ibis Range Map
Least Tern Range Map
Mississippi Kite Range Map
Owen and Grammy at Biddeford Pool
Owen taking photos of a Yellow Warbler
he caught me taking a pic of him
Black-crowned Night Heron taken by Owen
Yellow Warbler taken by Owen
Tricolored Heron x Snowy Egret Hybridn taken by Owen
Willet taken by Owen
Snowy Egrets taken by Owen
Glossy Ibis and White-faced Ibis
Saltmarsh Sparrow
Eastern Wood-Pewee
Mississippi Kite
after his Glossy Ibis and White-faced Ibis lifers
After his Ruddy Turnstones, Black-bellied Plover, American Oystercatcher lifers

after his lifer Least Tern
after his Eastern Wood-Pewee, Black Tern, and Alder Flycatcher lifers
after his Mississippi Kite lifer!

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