Our Trip!
Today was bird-a-thon day 2 and my dad woke me up at 7am then we went in the car and left to go and find a Grasshopper Sparrow. When we went to the spot(Oarkhurst Rd, Sutton) we saw Beth, Paul, and Nancy and when they left we saw 3 Grasshopper Sparrows and a Brown Thrasher singing. Then we went to Blackstone and got 3 Black Vultures and gulls were there. Then we went on a hill and there were Chimney Swifts everywhere and I had a big near my face and one came and ate it right near my face! There were 2 Graylags there. Then an Orchard Oriole flew in and it was a lifer!!!!! A Great Blue Heron was there and he staring at the Graylags and they had a talk fight!
Then we went to our next spot (Westborough WMA) and when we got there we heard a sound. We heard and saw a Wilson's Warbler and a Canada Warbler and a Blackpoll. We also got a Willow Flycatcher then right after that we got a Swainson's Thrush! Then I found my own Ruby-throated Hummingbird all by myself! Also we got a Wood Thrush and more Orchard Orioles and LOTS of Baltimore Orioles!! Then we went to another side and there was a beaver dam. I got an Indigo Bunting that was singing and then it flew out! It was pretty because it had all blue on it and its one of my second favorite colors. Then I went to my baseball game and we won!
Then we took a longer ride to the beach! (Westport) We did very bad at getting shore birds! We did get some Killdeers and lots of Willets! And we also got American Black Ducks then Red-breasted Merganser some Black Scoter and then there were Common Eider. We also walked on a path and met this guy who knows a lot about owls my dad told me!( Brian Cassie). We also got 3 Saltmarsh Sparrows and they were running on the ground! When we walked in the woods we heard a White-eyed Vireo but we couldn't see him. Then when we walked out we had 2 White-eyed Vireos and we got to see them! We had to pull off a thousand ticks on us!
At first when we went to a spot we heard a Worm-eating Warbler sound but when my dad finally found it it was a Chipping Sparrow. Then after when we went back we got the bird we wanted! After we were done birding then my dad took me to the beach to play on some rocks! And I almost touched a cute little rabbit! We found 5 baby bunnies that ran up to us!
Tommorrow we are going to have a relaxing day!!!
Oakhurst Fields, Worcester County, Massachusetts, US
Blackstone Canal, Blackstone Ma, Worcester County, Massachusetts, US
Blackstone, 99 Susan Drive, Worcester County, Massachusetts, US
Westborough WMA, Worcester County, Massachusetts, US
Gooseberry Neck, Bristol County, Massachusetts, US
Allen's Pond--Quansett Trail, Bristol County, Massachusetts, US
Acoaxet Area, Bristol County, Massachusetts, US
Dad Note-
Thank you to everyone who donated to our team! We raised 230 dollars overnight! If you'd still like to donate you can at Donate To Our Bird-a-thon Team!
Grasshopper Sparrow
Orchard Oriole Lifer!
Blackpoll Warbler
Swainson's Thrush lifer!
1 of 4 Yellow-throated Vireo's
Wood Thrush
Indigo Bunting
Lifer Saltmarsh Sparrow
Lifer White-eyed Vireo
Worm-eating Warbler
after his lifer Orchard Oriole
after his lifer Willow Flycatcher and Swainson's Thrush
after his lifer Saltmarsh Sparrow and Willet
after his lifer White-eyed Vireo
New Year Birds
102 species for Mass Audubon's Bird-a-thon for Broad Meadow Brook of Worcester!
Way to represent central Mass, Owen! Keep it up!