Map of Our Adventure
Me and my daddy and grammy and Nick went to Bolton Flats and we walked down the path and then we heard a Wilson's Snipe calling and we didn't know what it was. We finally saw it in the air. My dad said it was winnowing. We also 3 Rusty Blackbirds flying and landing. i spotted them and my dad heard them. My dad found a Northern Shoveler in his scope when i looked it was gone. And then a few minutes later it came back and I finally saw it. A Great Egret and Great Blue Heron were staring at each other like they were at a staring contest. We also saw a Merlin it was there for the first time I ever saw it there. The Northern Harrier came out of nowhere flying.
Then we went to Bolton Orchards and I had a red velvet whoopie pie.Then we went to try and see a Yellow-throated Warbler. Then my dad found the Yellow-throated Warbler and grammy and me were running to him to see it. We yelled to lots of birders to come and none of them said thank you but one person did.
Then we went to see a Hooded Warbler in Boston. My dad had to drop me and my grammy off because there was no more parking spots. Everyone was yelling Hooded Warbler over here. He had a yellow body and had like black on his head like a hood and his chin and thats why they call it the Hooded Warbler. Then we switched and daddy came in with me and grammy stayed at the car. We found it again and we saw a squirrel and it was coming so close to me and i almost petted I was afraid it was gonna bite me. Then I went to a birthday party and after the birthday party we went birding again!!!! We went to the beach when it was still raining anyways and the sun was out too and then we saw a rainbow. We were looking for a Manx Shearwater but first we saw a Piping Plover. The shearwater had flown into daddys scope and then were on the water way out by a pink building. On the way home we saw some egrets and one was a Snowy Egret!
And we found a Spotted Turtle and another lifer a Chimney Swift!
Checklists (Letters Correspond to Map)
B-Bolton Flats, Worcester County, Massachusetts, US
C-Nahanton Park , Middlesex County, Massachusetts, US
D-Boston Public Garden, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, US
E- Birthday Party In Oxford
F-Revere Beach--pink apartments, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, US
G-(not visible) Rumney Marsh--South, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, US
Hooded Warbler Range Map
Yellow-throated Warbler Range Map
Manx Shearwater Range Map
Virginia Rail
Nick, Owen and Grammy at Bolton Flats
Photo after Owen's lifer Rusty Blackbird and Virginia Rail @ Bolton Flats
Great Egret
Yellow-throated Warbler
Hooded Warbler

Piping Plover
Photo after Owen's lifer Hooded Warbler
Make Way for Ducklings Statues in Boston Public Garden
His Squirrel Friend
Photo after Owen's lifer Yellow-throated Warbler @ Nahanton Park
Photo after Owen's lifer Piping Plover @ Revere Beach
Photo after Owen's lifer Manx Shearwater @ Revere Beach
Spotted Turtle

Owen after his lifer Chimney Swift!
Brotherly Love while Birding!